Resource Trial - Dimensions

The aim of this survey is to collect your feedback on the resource trial for Dimensions.
Your inputs will help the Library to decide whether to purchase or subscribe to the resource.
This will take about 15-20 minutes to complete. 

3. What is your current role at NTU ?
4. How is this resource relevant to you?
5. How likely are you to use this resource in the next 3-5 years?
6. How likely are you to recommend this resource to a peer?
7. Are there existing Library resources that provides similar contents?
(you can select both yes and no)
8. Considering EASE-OF-USE, on a scale of 1-5 stars, how well did the resource meet your expectations?
(the more stars, the better the resource met your expectations)
10. To what extent will you recommend this resource for the University?
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