Registration form for SoLE Seminar 29 Nov 2023

SleepTouch & Making of the Human Brain by Professor Topun Austin

Date: 29th November 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 11:00AM to 12:00 PM
Venue: SoLEC Classroom (NIE7-01-06)

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Additionally, during the Q&A session, should you wish to share your name on our platform, the name will only be used to identify the persons asking the questions. Should you wish to provide feedback via our feedback form (provided during the event), your institution and title position will be collected for analysis purposes. 

All personal information collected will be handled only by the organising team for this event and will be kept confidential.
Please note that the webinar will be recorded for publicity, official publications or archiving purposes. For webinars, those who do not want to be included in the recording may mute their microphone and disable their videos. For face-to-face sessions, those who do not wish to be included in the recording may approach the staff in charge from SoLEC for assistance before the start of the session. 

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